Warsaw, Poland

Intellectual output 3

Electronics, Microcontrollers, FPGAs, Embedded Systems, Programming

Online course in programming languages

This online course focuses on programming languages and is organized in four modules each targeting a different language, namely Python, C++, C and VHDL.

Are you a beginner?

If you never wrote a line of code, then the “Python Programming” course is the ideal start for you! This online course offers a soft start in the field of computer programming. Python is a user-friendly language, and the complexity of the syntax is low. The course is self-paced and many practical examples of simple source code offer a step-by-step learning approach. The course is divided into several units in which theoretical concepts, programming examples, and interactive exercises are seamlessly integrated.

Enter the course: “The C language for microcontrollers”: click here

Do you have more expertise in computer programming?

Then you can take the opportunity of becoming a C++ or a C programmer with the course on “The C language for microcontrollers” or “Objects, Classes and C++”. The activities of these courses start from the basic syntax of C and C++ and deeps into more complex topics and data structures. Together with the theoretical parts, practical activities, and the open projects provided to the learner, the courses provide videos and links to external resources for extending the learner’s knowledge beyond the provided contents.

Enter the course “Objects, Classes and C++“: click here

Enter the course “Python Programming”: click here

Are you experienced in programming?

If so, you can expand your skills by learning VHDL, a hardware description language used to model digital circuits and systems. With VHDL, you can describe the functionality, behavior, and internal structure of a digital system, including inputs and outputs. By creating models of digital circuits with VHDL, you can simulate and test them before building them in hardware. Our course, “Hardware Implementation of Algorithms,” covers learning VHDL.

Enter the course “Hardware Implementation of Algorithms“: click here